10 of Pentacles

The pentacles are following into this week from last week!


This is a fantastic card for the week! The 10 of pentacles is all about wealth, comfort and sharing the wealth. The nicest part of this is that it follows our 7 of Pentacles last week. This tells me that we may feel we have little on our own but when we bring our resources and skills to the table we all benefit and can achieve greater things as opposed to if we were to do it on our own. We all have skills and wealth to share and this helps our community grow.

I feel this is going to be a prosperous week, one where our hard work and dedication is showing very fruitful results. Great work! If you are in a position where you have resources to spare, consider giving to your community in some way this week. If you feel that you are still sitting in the energy of last week where you would like to see your harvest grow more, consider sharing your skills in some way with the community to help your reach grow farther and wider. 

Finally, today is the celebration of Lughnasa! This is the time of Lugh the celtic God of light, harvest and the son of the Sun. It's all about harvest and resources! Very fitting to have the 10 of pentacles be our card this week! May you be ever prosperous and may your resources be plenty!

Happy Harvest All!


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