Ace of Pentacles

This week we have the ace of Pentacles.



Hi everybody!

Yay! Some great news following these last few weeks! The ace of Pentacles is all about new beginings, good luck, good health, and the start of a prosperous journey! The hand holding the pentacle (or coin) from the cloud says that this is a gift be bestowed to us! We are being guided. Pentacles relate to money and our earthly needs for survival. This looks to me that something new is starting! This is so perfectly fitting following the Death card from last week!

When I see this card, it reminds me to check in with my guides. To take note of what I am carrying with me on this journey as well. Now is a great time to connect with our ancestors. They watch over us and have plenty of guidance to share. Not just the ancestors of our past but also our descendants yet to come. We have a tremendous amount of help from the world of spirit. This time of year the veil is thinner and it seems we are much more awake to be receptive to the guidance being offered.

 This new beginning we are about to embark on is being guided. The pentacle tells me that we will have our earthly needs met as long as we keep in the flow. Keep following your hearts desires. Hold strong to what you know to be true in your heart, and follow that guidance like a compass. New beginnings are starting! What new journey are you embarking on?

Happy Halloween!

lots of love!

Alyssa MillerComment